Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Does a leaf that flutters with the whimsical wind
ever demand a reason for the flight?
Does the love that beckons a novice heart
ever wait for a season that's right?

Does the river that flows by eternally
ever question the sea for it's plight?
Or the waves that touch the shore with hope
ever withdraw their quest at night?

why then must i let go of the faith
that i'm ruled by the laws of life?
why then must i retaliate, fight
the time-like oblivious strife?
Ah! the joy of surrender is known but to few
the peace that abandon brings in washes me anew!!



Aditya said...

All ye hopefuls of the world :)
Well written, as always.

Pavitra said...

Teach me how you achieved this abandon. I would love to know the secret of the waves, the river and the leaf.

Loved always!

PS - check out my new attempt at trying to write...hopefully I'll last for a while.

angelofdusk said...

@aditya thanks much
@prude well... i guess when you know when to hold on and when to let go abandon comes :-)

Wings of choice said...

Being optimistic is the best choice we all have.

Krishnamurthi Balaji said...

"the joy of surrender is known but to few" - Very True! superb lines! Your Faith matters more !

Pavitra said...

The year is almost on its way out and Iim still yearning to hear you say more...say more of anything...