Sunday, December 31, 2017

Ushering 2018

Ushering In 2018

As the last day of 2017 is quickly winding up and there are scores of dishes lying in the kitchen,  unwritten mails and unfinished presentations, half thought to do lists and endless “I’ll call you back” messages waiting for my attention to turn towards them... I steal some time to write err... type a quick journal entry of gratitude. 2017 has been a great year filled with moments that were priceless in their lessons and for all these lessons I am grateful.
The year saw me fight some tough battles, trying hard to  deal with grudges and ungratefulness from acquaintances and friends alike but as I sit down to tally the scores I realise I am better of having let go of what others owe me and because I did let go there is immense profit in terms of space that cleared up thanks to a heart free of negativity.
The year that went by, and so quickly, also saw some great moments with respect to my poetry, meeting different poets, participating in meets, allowing myself to indulge in moments of poetry, travel and fellowship. By almighty’s grace my second book saw the light of the day too. I got to tell stories to children more often than I could last year, Words blessed me by being readily available for my taking and refusing. My mind was nurtured.
This year was a revelation of sorts with respect to relationships. Times when I wanted to give up on a few critical ones were many but every time I felt I was alone and wanted to give up  on relationships and run away I would in some way or the other be reminded of how broken toys are mended not discarded, broken threads are reweaved not shredded. I was blessed with grace to see through differences and let go of anger more often than before. Yes I did hurt people but I also made earnest efforts to reconcile with the worthy ones. Love triumphed over hate each time and I grew. WE occurred more prominently in my decision making than I. New friends and old found more meaning in our lives.
Money was the elusive guest who is expected until the last moment but seldom turns up. Many sources failed to keep their commitments and a lot of work rendered still remains to be compensated for. Of course it was frustrating and annoying... but there was always someone who fulfilled their promise, someone who did the right thing. Always. God willing I did not have to be in debt of anyone for money and that is something I am ever grateful for. This was a year I forced myself to only spend as much as I earn and keep my consumerist whims to a bare minimum. I managed to go three months without shopping for anything other than bare essentials and give away unused but reusable stuff to the needy. Life suddenly became a lot simpler and ever since I have had fewer needs. I realised I felt more content this way. And felt richer and more dignified.
Travel was great solace this year. We were blessed as a family to travel together and also individually. The world indeed is such a beautiful place and there is so much goodness around. So much to see and if planned well there is enough time to be used to do so too.
In retrospect 2017 was a year of growth, joy, meaningful a essential suffering – much like the gold that goes into fire to become a jewel – and abundance of love. May this abundance fill your lives too the coming year and may 2018 bring with it all types of experiences so we may grow.


Saranya Francis
Dec 31st 2017