all it would take for my grief to displace is to hug your feet and cry my infant heart out , those days of spring those times of joy will forever remain though death plays the leveller, what you were to me might not have been told but im sure you know. Things would surely be different if you were around, but i rest in your memory that you live in a better place i'm sure you know and like you always said we joyfully part ways only to reach where we belong. but can i still say i miss you? I'm sure you know, what i learnt from your childhood stories were more than just words, what i learnt at the uncomfortable yet warm shade of your feet will remain with me though the world may call me names, can i get just one moment with you and just tell you once how much you meant but knowing you the way i do im sure you will say you are already here and here to stay. you can never be replaced not even your memory or taht one rupee coin you would gladly give every new year at every festive blessing i'm sure you know. If ever i have a daughter of my own and she asks me a story to put her to sleep i would tell her of a young lad who gave all that he had to see a smile in his kindred's face i would tell of that man who grew up to work more than all his comrades would do, i would tell her of a tall dark man burnt by years and experiences new and when i tell her of the day he held me and taught me this language i write in - i would stop and bid her to sleep for... i dont know what and why i write but im sure you know.