Friday, July 18, 2008

Of Memories...

Of late i have been dwelling on the concept of memories a lot. Strange things they are, memories, of the good times and the bad. I was thinking how much memories shape folks, old and young alike, how much they cause us to do and not do things and how they cause us to cry and laugh and sigh and sing. All this without any incident occurring in our 'here and now' . Although new memories take the place of the old, although the people and places associated with those memories are no more our own... they still cause nostalgia, they still cause us to emote.

Memories of the first crush first love - Memories shared with soul mates turned strangers, memory of those rains and summer afternoons shared with friends who are not on the radar anymore, memories of weddings and get togethers where a stranger meets the eye for a fleeting second and you are left wondering who it was for the rest of your life .

It amazes me how i can smile when i recall a poem or tune sung by the lost soul mate or the compliment paid by the estranged friend!!

Whoever said memories fade with passing time was probably not all that right i think... i mean how can we oversee the way the smell of wet mud and the first rain remind us of the first rain walk we took, or the fragrance of the lily of the valley that reminds us of a random party hall? how can we oversee the way we can never forget the games we played during childhood summers or the history of each rose petal hidden between the pages of abandoned notebooks. It wearies me sometimes to have so many memories but the times that memories lift me up and make me smile weigh more than those that do otherwise!!